# Mean Squared Displacement
Mean squared displacement is calculated using the formula below:
where N is the number of timesteps, r(t) is the position of particle at time t and dt is time delta.
In order to understand the type of diffusion one can calculate MSD for different timedelta values
and plot MSD vs dt.
### MSD vs dt
The shape of the MSd vs dt curve gives information about the type of the motion of the particle.
For true random walk (brownian motion) a linear line is expected.
If there are other forces affecting the motion of the particle then different behaviours can be expected.
#### US - Minimization
Calculate min energy and distance for each point
#### US - NVT & Spring (eps: 5)
Attached spring (k:5 kcal/mol) to each point and performed NVT simulations for 5 ns (dt: 1 fs).
Performed WHAM analysis which resulted in barriers ~0.15 kca/mol.
The activation energy of the molecule is 0.57 eV which corresponds to ~13 kcal/mol.
This suggests that surface-molecule interaction energy should be ~100 times larger.
#### US - NVT & Spring (eps: 500)
This resulted in molecule to explode (bonded atoms becoming too far apart).
This is presumably because the molecule is initially placed ~5 A above the surface and with the NVT
simulation the molecule is attracted to the surface with so much speed that the atoms just gain too much velocity.
This veolcity is however different for each atom therefore they might fly apart from each other losing bonds.
This can be alleviated by minimizing the system first.
Moreover by changing the epsilon coefficient the equilibrium z-distance might be changed.
Instead of using the same z position for the spring, for these simulations I decided to use the last z position from the minimization.
#### US - Minimization - NVT & Spring (eps: 500)
class: center, middle
Thank you!
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